Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Turn 7 & 8

Well Well,
After The Long wait in the BurgerKing Line, seemed like the samurai did not want the usual rice and tea meal, we managed to scrap some time and play our battles and make moves on the map.

Skaven fought valiantly against the chaos Worriors, bringin down 3 DAGGIES and 1 warrior, at the expense of 7 Skaven itself. on the Chaos Side 1 DAGGIE died,was not insured with the GAWDS, while all the skaven used the demonic warpstone powas to stay alive. Oh yeah, one got sold into slavery for 30 GC (HAH! Beat That Dwarf Slayer :P)

Tomb Kings took the initiative (whoa! initiative!?) and assualted the samurai who are currently dominating the city (O RLY!?)(YA RLY!!)
Poor Tombpriest had forgotten its spells and had to use chaos warships instead :P
due to humongous sucking dice rolls Tomb Kings lost the batlle and had to retreeat. but as all zumbees go POOF, they all come back fore MAWRE BWAINZZZ

Anyways, hers' the map'date and current Campaign points standings. OH YAH! also terrain effects noted on MAC. TEEHEE!!!

Dwarves => 28 => Find Luxury Items. Roll 1 D6 two times. 1-3 means 2D6 GC. 4 = Ithilmar
sword 5= Cathayan Silk Clothes 6= crossbow pistol CP: 1
Orc => 23 => CP: 1

Skaven => 06 => CP: 0

Tomb Kings => 22 => CP: 2

Current Standings at End of Turn 8
Samurai: 9 CP
Tomb Kings: 9 CP
Dwarf: 7 CP
Orcs & Goblins: 5 CP
Chaos Worriors: 5 CP
Skaven: 1 CP -.- ught...

Anyways, next friday i would like to discuss map special features,we have skipped some special rolls and all. so, we play max 3 turns (if no conflict is to be played before) and after that do the map special features.

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